Battery storage scale to be built in Australia reaches 7GW

A news report estimates there are about 7GW of battery storage projects in the pipeline and under construction in Australia, with nearly 1GW expected to be delivered by 2024, according to the report.

Forecasts released by Cornwall Insight Australia show that large-scale battery energy storage projects that are currently under development or have made significant progress across Australia are over 900MW, and projects with more than 6GW are under application or storage battery

Since the Hornsdale Wind Farm in South Australia, installed the world’s first and largest large Tesla battery, almost everyone has taken this market very seriously.

Last month, the Victorian government, Tesla and Developer Neoen announced Australia’s largest and largest battery energy storage project in the Southern Hemisphere. This is just the latest of a dozen large-scale battery energy storage projects officially announced in the past few months, and more projects are in the pipeline.

However, as Cornwall Insight’s analysis points out, the 7GW battery storage capacity is quite a lot, and certainly far more than they predicted.And that doesn’t include the proposed 20GWh battery storage project that will be used in conjunction with the Sun Cable project in the north.

“Even if we assume only 10% of this capacity will come online, we expect total battery storage to be around 1.5GW by 2024, which is more than 13 times the AEMO projection in the Integrated System Plan,” said lead consultant Ben Cerini.

OSM has household 5kwh lithium battery for solar storage and 10kwh battery.